Sunday, June 20, 2010

Cupcakes - the best kind of payment

Okay, the title is a little misleading - I wouldn't accept a full-time job for cupcakes. But where the 'job' involves walking a few metres into the apartment next door and reading my book on their sofa for half an hour in case a child awakens while the parent picks up the other child - well, it hardly calls for payment at all, so unexpected cupcakes form a very acceptable currency in that case.

I'm not sure yet where these are from, though when I've had a chance to speak to Neighbour-Man (who brought them for me yesterday when I wasn't here) I will update the post. If any Wellington folk recognise their origin feel free to identify them in the comments!

The first cupcake was a delicious coconutty concoction - the icing was essentially coconut ice (and I guess that's the look they were going for with the pink colouring), and it was dense and delicious. The cake was also very dense and moist and sweet - I'm not sure if it was a vanilla flavour or coconut as the icing was so full on it was hard to identify, but the whole thing was fantastic regardless. I liked this one best!

The second cupcake was a banana cake with a caramel (maybe dulce de leche?) icing. The cake was fine - Mr Cake really liked it but I'm fairly nonplussed by banana cake mostly. The icing, however, was amazing. Soooo sweet and good!

So thanks, Neighbour-Man, anytime you need to pop out let me know!

Do any readers recognise these cupcakes?


  1. I could be wrong... but I think I recognise the coconut ice cupcake as from Floraditas - they sell them at Moore Wilson. Check out the cake cabinet in the Fresh section next time you're there, they sell quite a few of Floradita's yummy sweet treats.

  2. I thought the same thing.

    Just don't be tempted by Florries lamington's they are an iced disappointment..

  3. Ah, that sounds a likely source, since we're just down the road from Moore Wilson's. I will definitely check out the cabinet next time I'm there!

    Anon, funny you should say that about the lamingtons from Floridita's - a colleague gave me one today and I was pretty impressed (though it was different from what I expect lamingtons to be). I might post the photo of it later in the week. :-)

  4. Libby is right on...

  5. Thanks Neighbour-man - good to know for sure.

    Didn't take you long to find me!


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