
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Posh Porridge - Riccarton Farmers' Market, Christchurch

This weekend Mr Cake and I are paying Christchurch a visit (we'll be doing this tomorrow, don't ask me why!) and this morning top of my agenda was visiting the Riccarton Farmers' Market in order to procure some Posh Porridge, which I've been wanting to try for aaages and today the stars finally aligned for us. This also meant I got to briefly meet Becs from Lovely Wee Days - she was madly busy preparing porridge for throngs of ravenous market-goers but was still very friendly and not at all stressed.

I didn't get a very good photo of the stand, sorry, but there are lovely jars of fruit compote along the front of the counter, and there are several different flavour choices for your porridge toppings, all of which sound incredible. You can also choose whether to have cream, milk or soy milk with your oats - it is basically pudding for breakfast, and if I thought I could get away with eating this every day without my arteries exploding I would! 

Mr Cake chose the passionfruit curd, berry crush and coconut crumble porridge with milk. He does tend to shy away from the very sweet but still rated it very highly. The crumble worked excellently with the oats, which were creamy and fluffy without being goo. He would rather have had more porridge for the amount of topping but I think he's ridiculous and that the ratio was great so there's no winning that (actually, next time he might just ask for half as much topping and he'd be happy as Larry). 

Mine was the decadent sounding white chocolate, raspberry compote and crumble, and I had cream (might as well go all out, right?) and it was just as good as it sounds. For me too the crumble was the standout, but having the fruit and extra creaminess and richness from the white chocolate lifted it further still. I couldn't finish it all as the serving was very generous - but I did make sure to get every last bit of crumble before relinquishing my bowl!

At $6 a bowl it's not cheap but is definitely a full meal on its own (I barely touched lunch, I was still so full from my porridge) and is very, very tasty. And the stallholders are very friendly too! I'll definitely be angling to try another flavour next time we're here.

Does dessert for breakfast sound like your cup of tea or do you prefer to impose pre-lunchtime austerity measures like Mr Cake?

Posh Porridge is available from the Riccarton Farmers' Market, Riccarton House, 16 Kahu Road, Christchurch, Saturdays from 9am-12pm,


  1. Oh yum - that looks absolutely delicious! Yes, I've always been a pudding at breakfast kind of girl. It always tastes better - and in my mind you can work off the calories consumed during the day instead of sleeping on them - so more the better! In fact, right now I have left over crumble from pud last night in the fridge and it's looking mighty tempting...


  2. I'm a much more savoury kinda girl for breakfast. As yummy as the porridge looks, I'd be going for marmite on thick doorsteps of grainy bread first.

    I'd have the porridge for pudding quite happily though :-)

  3. Pudding for breakfast is definitely my idea of a good time, especially if there's white chocolate involved. Cool that you got to meet another blogger - enjoy the rest of your time in Chch!

  4. Since porridge is my breakfast of choice at the moment (what with the freezing mornings), I've been experimenting with toppings just to keep from getting bored. This week it's chopped dates, walnuts, brown sugar and a splosh of cream (of course!). The whole concoction is sweet enough to double as pudding I reckon!

  5. Love love love dessert for breakfast. Anything berry-related especially. I just love breakfast in general - I have read about this on Lovely Wee Days and I am very jealous!

  6. Sophie, crumble is the best pudding breakfast. I have been known to refer to it as breakfast of champions in the past. ;-)

    Kaz, it would be just as good for pudding. And I think Mr Cake would stand by your breakfast choice - but I would stick with my porridge. :-)

    Laura, it was drool-worthy - and Christchurch was chilly but we're back to Welly now - it almost feels tropical in comparison!

    Shirleen, dates and walnuts sound yum - and perhaps a little more virtuous than what I had, too!

    Delaney, it's almost worth going to Christchurch especially for it. So good!

  7. Thanks for the lovely write-up Rosa, I'm so glad you enjoyed your first PP experience, hopefully next time I will have time to chat...will also remember to be stingier with Mr Cakes's toppings! ( I sometimes tell people that Posh Porridge is 80% healthy and 20% treat, but we all like our ratio a little different...) Becs

  8. Becs, it was so good. I'm still raving about it to anyone who'll listen. You don't think you could tell Libby all your secrets and convince her to open a satellite branch up here? ;-)
